Are there particular tasks where you find strong resistance to getting started?

Are some projects just lingering on your to-do list?

I had committed to writing a blog every month, and I did write for a while until I had to interrupt my commitment for more than 6 months and not resume until I started again with this article.

What was happening?

I believed that the reason for my interruption was the chaotic days; my life was not progressing as I expected it to be.

I was waiting for the right time to start again. The right time is when work will be rolling successfully, my mind will be at peace and my life in full order. In the mess I could not write, in the turmoil writing will be untidy and inappropriate.

It was impossible for me to open a new white page or even to consider beginning. No inspiration could come up in this disorder.  Writing had a lot of benefits and without writing I felt something is missing in my life, I felt awkward not standing up to my commitment. The thought of delaying was very annoying for me and yet could not start.

Last week, l conducted a workshop about procrastination.

The working definition of Procrastination is the voluntary delay of an intended action despite expecting it to be worth it if delayed.

To my greatest surprise, I noticed that this definition is fitting my situation in writing. In fact, after 6 months I ran out of excuses that could delay my writing and found out without a doubt that I was voluntarily delaying the act of writing.

What made me voluntarily delay something that I knew was rewarding for me?

Time after time, I had an open schedule to write, and could not initiate writing a short paragraph. My dilemma was not a time management problem.

The real issue for me was the fact that I was running away from meeting my imaginary sadness and frustration and I did not want to disappoint myself by not being able to write well in the midst of the chaos. I was avoiding an imaginary disappointment that inevitably could rise when I would attempt again, therefore I was delaying and delaying again.

Procrastination is a delay but not every delay is procrastination. It is not a time-management problem; or a purposeful delay, but it is an emotion-regulation problem.

It is during the workshop that I realized that I have built a procrastination habit around writing. I have created other compulsory habits such as watching TV, drinking, or eating as a stress relief strategy for not writing.

With this awareness, I wanted to regulate this habit and apply the principles shared.

By applying these principles, I am writing again.

Here is a fast way out of Procrastination.

Start with the following…

  • Look at the bigger picture of what you want to do or see the whole puzzle until completion.
  • Visualize in detail yourself doing and completing the task.
  • Have an accountability partner/s.

Then know that you are not a Procrastinator, but that you have a habit of Procrastinating on specific things. Know when the habit is triggered, that you are stressing about something, and follow the steps below:

  • Accept – The habit of procrastination is activated- welcome it.
  • Aware – I am fully aware that this is a stress relief from facing the imaginary negative emotions associated with the task. 
  • Ask – What are the advantages of breaking this habit? 
  • Action – What is the smallest step I can take toward this goal?
  • Accountability – I am committed to breaking these habits. Interrupt it right now.
  • Acknowledge – I appreciate myself for breaking this habit

Wisdom is the ability to follow our own advice. And if we don’t we are harming ourselves, we are undermining our performance, our well-being, and our health.

If you are feeling guilty delaying your tasks most probably you are having a procrastination habit.

And when you are feeling guilty about knowing what to do but we do not do it, this guilt could transform into shame and in turn affect your health.

Break the cycle of Procrastination try these steps or any other ones, and the more you reduce your Procrastination habits, the more you could boost your performance, your well-being, and even your health.


Procrastination is usually harmful, sometimes harmless but never helpful.

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